Retinal Tear – Sharing An Overview

Retinal Tear – Sharing An Overview


With a retinal tear, you may not have pain but blurry vision. Even though a retinal tear is not as serious as a retinal detachment, treatment is necessary.Patients also have signs like a lot of flashes of light or floaters. For treatment, reach out to your retina specialist in Siliguri City. Consulting a doctor is vital upon noticing these symptoms.

This tear occurs in the thin, light-sensitive tissue that produces vision, called the retina that lines the inside of the eye. Medical consultation is vital because untreated retinal tears increase the chance of retinal detachment, which increases the risk of severe visual loss.

Understanding the Causes of Retinal Tear

Retinal tears can be caused by age-related changes in the vitreous, a gel-like substance that fills the space between the lens and the retina. The vitreous weakens and may shrink with age, pulling on the retina and occasionally causing tears in the retina.

The common causes and risk factors include:

  • Retinal tears are most common in people over the age of 50 because the vitreous shrinks naturally with age.
  • Trauma or injury may also be the cause of retinal tear. Physical injuries to the head or eyes are the common reason for retinal tears in several instances.
  • High myopia (nearsightedness) can put one at risk of retinal tear and retinal detachment.
  • A family history (genetics) of retinal issues may increase the likelihood of retinal tears among people.
  • 7-8% of persons have lattice degeneration, which manifests as thin spots in their retina.
  • A retinal tear may be more likely to occur in people who have had cataract surgery or other eye treatments/ surgical treatments. Visit the leading retina specialist in Siliguri City.

Retinal Tears – What are the Symptoms?

This retinal condition doesn’t always cause signs or symptoms. When they do, these are:

  • Lots of floaters
  • Flashes of lights
  • Blurry vision
  • Darkening of the vision

If you notice such symptoms, visit an eye specialist without delay. A comprehensive diagnosis will detect if it’s a retinal tear. Retina doctor in Siliguri, North Bengal Dr. Sangeeta D Goswami.

Diagnosis and Treatment Options

During the eye exam, your retina specialist in Siliguri examines well into the back of your eye. To dilate your eyes, your eye expert will give you drops. The retina at the rear of your eye will then be visible to your eye expert through a specialized lens.

Treatment Options for Retinal Tears

Various therapies are offered based on the retinal tear's location, size, and severity. Treatment may not be necessary for low-risk retinal tears that are not showing symptoms. One of two surgical options is frequently used by doctors when therapy is required.

Laser Therapy (Photocoagulation). In order to "weld" the retina to the underlying tissue and create a scar, this effective laser treatment/ therapy involves using a laser to create tiny burns surrounding the tear. This stops liquid from leaking under the retina.

Cryotherapy (Freezing Treatment). By freezing the tissue surrounding the injury, cryotherapy secures the retina by leaving a scar. If the tear is in an area that is difficult for a laser to reach, this technique is frequently used to treat the condition (the tear).

Visiting a medical expert and getting the right treatment will provide the best possible healing. However, if you delay even though symptoms are present, this will increase the risk of retinal detachment and severe vision loss. Consult the best retina specialist in Siliguri immediately to treat retinal tears.

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